See What the Research is Saying
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have been practiced for centuries but have resurfaced over the recent years to be one of the fastest growing alternative medicine practices in the world. The vastness and intricacy of this ancient medical system has allowed the theory and practice to endure the test of time, continuing to effectively treat hundreds of conditions to this day.
Naturally, the growing popularity of acupuncture as an alternative health care system has caught the attention of Western science which has now conducted hundreds of studies to measure the effects that acupuncture and other East Asian modalities have on the body. This modern scientific research can explain, through a Western lens, some of the reasons why acupuncture is effective in treating such a wide range of conditions. There have been numerous observable changes that occur during and after acupuncture sessions that influence our physical, mental and emotional states including:
Central nervous system regulation
Increase in heart rate variability
Decrease in blood pressure
Stimulation and secretion of beta-endorphins, beta-enkephalons (our body’s natural painkillers)
Stimulation and secretion of dopamine and serotonin (neurotransmitters/feel-good hormones)
Increase in local and systemic blood and lymph circulation
Increase in immune cell production and function
Secretion of digestive enzymes
Increase in gut/bowel motility